Gaumont presents a Chronomegaphone in its event exhibition


For the past few days, the exhibition “120 years of cinema: Gaumont, for as long as cinema has existed”, currently held at the Centquatre-Paris, has welcomed a new exhibit, a Chronomegaphone from 1911!


What is a chronomegaphone?
113 years ago, Léon Gaumont invented this strange device, four years later, this cinema lover managed to combine image and sound for the first time in the history of cinema.

To better understand how useful this device was, it’s important to know that the Chronomegaphone is a “sound on disc” process of synchronization between the cinematograph and the phonograph (cylinders then discs). Its goal is to produce (and synchronize) sound that will travel in the movie theater thanks to a compressed air system, and thus improve the German gramophone.

Its arrival at the “120 years of cinema: Gaumont, for as long as cinema has existed” exhibition cannot be described as discreet, as the device weighs nearly 450 kilos and is divided into 4 trunks.

A wealth of heritage
Today, only fifty chronomegaphones exist throughout the world and for the past few days one of them has made its debut at the Centquatre-Paris.

Until now, this chronomegaphone was hidden in the Vexin region of France by the family of its late owner, Charles Proust, who obtained it in 1914. Following an auction, Léon Gaumont’s invention was able to return to the daisy-blazoned company.

A specific spot has been reserved for it at the Centquatre-Paris and it is the highlight of the exhibition. You have until August 5, 2015 to enjoy the “120 years of Cinema: Gaumont, for as long as cinema has existed” and its return to the past for free.

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